

Showing 31-60 of 64 items.
#GroupStaff NameDesignation
31Electrician IBSD, Campus, ImphalN. AngoubaMTS (Electrician)
32Electrician IBSD, Campus, ImphalN. KiranMTS (Electrician)
33Lab Asst/ Lab AttndN. JusnaMTS
34Lab Asst/ Lab AttndN. Herojit SinghMTS
35Lab Asst/ Lab AttndW. Rakesh MTS
36Lab Asst/ Lab AttndK. Sanjit SinghMTS
37Lab Asst/ Lab AttndKh. Basanti DeviMTS
38Lab Asst/ Lab AttndNewmai JonahMTS
39Lab Asst/ Lab AttndY. DhaneshorMTS
40Lab Asst/ Lab AttndPeimichonMTS
41Lab Asst/ Lab AttndKh. Mangi SinghMTS
42Lab Asst/ Lab AttndL. Lalikanta SinghMTS
43Lab Asst/ Lab AttndBabina ChanuMTS
44Mali IBSD, Campus, ImphalKh. Ingobi SinghMTS
45Mali IBSD, Campus, ImphalDebachandra Th.MTS Security
46Mali IBSD, Campus, ImphalO. RishikantaMTS Security
47Staff at DirectorateM. ReenaMTS (P.A. to Director)
48Staff at DirectorateSharmila DeviMTS (P.A. to CoAF)
49Staff at DirectorateR.K. SomanMTS (Attendant)
50Staff at DirectorateS. Rajiv SinghMTS (Driver)
51Staffs associated with DBT officeKuldeep SinghTechnical Assistant (Delhi)
52Staffs associated with DBT officeSattar BabuOffice Assistant (Delhi)
53Staffs associated with DBT officeMohan Kumar ChourasiaProject Assistant
54Sweeper, IBSD, Campus, ImphalKh. Manglembi DeviMTS
55Sweeper, IBSD, Campus, ImphalL. SanatonMTS
56Sweeper, IBSD, Campus, ImphalRadhamani DeviMTS
57Technical staffsDr. W. Mohendro SinghSr. Technical Officer- I
58Technical staffsDr. N. Samarjit SinghSr. Technical Officer- I
59Technical staffsO. Rabi SinghSr. Technical Officer- I
60Technical staffsS. Irabati DeviTechnician - I